A winner is a dreamer who never gives up training

A loser is a hard-nosed, stubborn, unimpressed person who lets obstacles block him from reaching their own goals.

The best athletes I coach are the ones who can take challenges to the limit and not be discouraged. The worst athletes I coach are the ones who let challenges discourage them. I have done coaching for a long time, and I have been the kind of coach who coaches with a big smile on his or her face, full of confidence and with a mission to achieve great things.


What I discovered in my coaching was that many athletes wanted someone who had that air of confidence, but they wanted to be made to feel hopeless. An important thing to know is that if you can become a winner, you can become a winner with only a smile on your face. It's much easier to be an athlete when you're not surrounded by discouragement. When you walk into the gym, you want to be one of those rare athletes who is confident about what they can accomplish. But there is a big difference between a winner and a winner with a smile. The first difference is that I make a point of coaching winners. Every time I walk into a gym with a new athlete, I know that I have a lot to offer. Not everyone needs to be made to feel hopeless the first time they walk in a gym, and not everyone needs to be forced into going down an unnecessary path. So I don't coach with a big smile on my face the first time I go into a gym. I know the challenge, the athlete who has been there, and the athlete who is ready to move forward.

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A winner does not need a smile in order to become a winner with a smile. The second difference is that what I am teaching athletes is not a game. I have never claimed to be the greatest coach in the world. That would mean that every athlete whom I have coached has been a winner all along, but that is not the reality of coaching. In fact, what I claim to be great at is a different thing altogether. The third difference is that I am teaching my athletes to do something that they do not expect. This is so important for my athletes because I know that at no point in a player's life are expected to do 2 the 2 minute double-unders challenge.