Allow your muscles to relax stretch only until you feel discomfort

Or up to one minute if you're a beginner. Don't force it. Don't bounce.

Don't try to hold the stretch for a particular number to be achieved, or for that painful point at your threshold to occur. Just let it go wherever it wants to go, wherever it needs to go. Stretch just enough to avoid making things worse. Your brain can be tricked to think that a certain stretch was great if you stretch for too long and if it hurts too much. But if you feel like you could stretch out further without being harmed and still experience positive results, you are stretching your body well beyond what it needs to be.

3 persons stretching fitness

After you achieve a certain stretch, switch stretches because youโ€™re looking for different kinds of muscle-length and angle changes and flexibility. Stretch for one to two minutes each day, twice a day and as often as you can. But you don't want to overdo it. You want to stretch enough to feel the desired benefit. If your stretching doesn't produce any sensation at all, increase your effort for several weeks and gradually you will begin to feel the effect. You might even begin to notice a difference in the way you move, feel, or feel while you're stretching. If, however, you have to strain or pull to get the effect of a certain stretch -- to overcome any stiffness, weakness, or tightness -- you probably aren't stretching long enough. It is good for women to start with a gentle stretch in standing position.


To begin with, you will take each leg, bend it at the knee towards the midline and stretch it until you feel the stretching of the muscles. Hold this pose for 5 to 8 seconds and then switch sides with right leg first. Repeat the same process for all the 4 legs. Take about thirty seconds to do this. Repeat this twice daily. Stretches are an effective and beneficial way to stay limber and help with muscle maintenance and development.


The following stretches will stimulate the lymphatic system, increase the mobility of your joints, and increase flexibility and range of movement. Most stretches must be done slowly and gently; as such, you need to have a spotter, or someone else you can use at the other end of the stretch in case you need help pulling through a stretch. "While the benefits of strength training are still the subject of a lot of discussion, I think they are clear and undeniable โ€” you can feel better physically, psychologically, and mentally by regular strength training. But can also not underestimate the cardio benefits you get from a jump rope.