How to practice mindfulness and meditation

Focus on the present. Focus on your breathing.

Bring you awareness to the physical sensations of the air going into your nose. Be aware of feeling the pressure, the warmness, and the coolness of what comes in contact with the membranes of your nose; then be aware of the sensation of air going out. Be aware of the sounds that you hear; then be aware of the quiet sensations of inner sounds as some thoughts arise. Be aware of you breathing in and out as you feel your lungs fill with the warm air that enters them and then exhale it.


And be aware of each breath as a unique movement. Allow that to happen. Be aware of the physical sensations of your body breathing. Be aware of the thoughts, emotions, and desires that occupy your mind when you focus on your breath. Breathe in with the thought “I am alive!” and you will experience the physical feeling of breath going into your lungs. Breathe out with the thought “I am alive!” and feel what happens when air leaves your lungs. Be aware of these unique sensations that take place when you inhale and exhale. Be aware of the thoughts, emotions, and desires that occupy your mind when you focus on your breath. The thoughts of regret and of “what if” are so common they may be what you do best. Be aware of that. See how it can become a habit. Be aware of the present moment: the sensations, thoughts, emotions, and desires. Be aware of each breath that is in your body. Let go of the future: “what if”, past, regrets. You will be focusing on the present moment, on each breath in your body. If it’s a pleasant smell, let that be what engages your attention, as you will be focusing on that sensation of smell, and being aware of each breath.

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In this exercise you will be connecting your mind with your body, and with the energy that connects all life on earth. This exercise connects your mind with the universal energy field, and with your own life energy field. When you feel ready to return to your body, you will feel the physical sensations of breathing, of living. Mindfulness meditation is a tool that allows your mind to come into full contact with your body and your life energy.