It's important what you train day in and day out

When I started lifting I used to train and eat heavy for about 12 weeks and then I just put it away.

I'm a lot healthier now than I was when I started and for the first 8 months of lifting I used to have to work to get down to the weight I can lift. Now I do the majority of my lifting after work and it's awesome.


I just got back from a trip and I noticed the weight I used to see when I was lifting was just not showing anymore. It's crazy. I used to train like I was a bodybuilder and eat like I was a bodybuilder. I never believed in lifting weights. I've always believed in eating right and living right. I'm so much healthier now that I just do most everything and don't need to lift. I don't regret lifting but I do regret not lifting every day. I have a new respect for trainers too. I used to think "if I train I will gain weight so I shouldn't train" but now I respect the way these guys train and their routine. There is not only a reason why an athlete trains and eats right and lifts weights and does not smoke, he does it because it's right for his body.

🕜 🎖️ ⏳

No one should feel bad for not lifting every day and not training. We should respect the way others train and eat. I respect them as athletes. I'll respect them for making me stronger than I am now. Now that I'm stronger I eat right and I don't lift and I'll respect them as people. I know I am not the only one to think this way but I think all training is a big part of life.