Workouts to build your body mass

These exercises is usually done in the range of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Burpies: This exercises helps to improve the tone of the upper body and make it toned. You put your hands together in an L shape and your hands are close to your chest. Your thumbs and fingers are pointed towards your neck and your elbows are placed at right angles to your head. You perform the exercise by pulling your elbows slowly towards your chin and then gently pushing your elbows back towards your chest.

woman stretching

This exercise helps to burn fat and tone muscles in the upper body. How to increase fat loss? The most effective way to lose belly fat is a workout routine. But it is not always possible as it requires much time. So, here are simple and easy tips to shed your belly fat. It is a common thought that fats are the culprit for making the belly fat. But this is not true. Instead, it is your food quality which is more important. Make a conscious effort to remove fried foods from your diet and instead indulge on healthier alternatives such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grains. Not eating your meals as soon as they are placed on the table can lead to food cravings. Your meal planner will also do a good job in maintaining a better work-life balance. Make a habit to work every day and always make your schedule a habit.

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This will minimize cravings and enable you to follow a clean diet. There are certain foods which are high-in-fats and should be avoided, mainly animal fats, red meat and junk foods. If you don’t limit your food intake as well as eat good meals everyday then it is extremely difficult to burn belly fat. As it is known to all, caffeine and sugar have a direct impact on the blood glucose levels which results in fat storage. Consuming too much of these in your diet leads to the formation of more belly fat.