You need to put more emphasis on your back training when boxing

Here are some exercises that work really well when you’re hitting the heavy bags.

It’s not a mistake. If you spend all your time training the muscle groups that go into your heavy bag workout, you’re going to notice pretty soon that your bag and punching bag workout isn’t any easier than hitting the heavy bag everyday.

man punching heavy-bag

If you spend all your time training the muscle groups that go into your heavy bag workout, you’re going to notice pretty soon that your bag and punching bag workout isn’t any easier than hitting the heavy bag everyday. It takes balls to do it, but you absolutely can get your shoulder into shape and start punching harder when you start working on it. And if you’re serious about making more of an impact on the bag, go get better quality bags for your workouts, or buy bags that you can hit with more weight. Not only does this hurt your muscles, it also hurt your shoulder.

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The bent-over row, the crunch and the leg curl are all great shoulder exercises that work with less weight than most and work really well when you’re hitting the heavy bags. So you need to work on the muscle groups that make the heavy bag workout easier – like your shoulders. When you’re striking the bag with an open stance, you can also improve your footwork by jumping rope with the training jump rope !